What to Do if Food is Stuck in Your Babies’ Throat?


How to Prevent Choking

Obviously, your baby choking is scary for both of you and does present a significant risk. That is why it’s so important to supervise what your baby is eating and to keep choking hazards away from your child and in a safe place. Soft foods, small bites and correct positioning are all good ways to make sure your child stays safe.
However, babies have been known to choke on their own formula or juice from a bottle and even while breastfeeding. This is very rarely a problem for a healthy baby and may just be happy wheels because the fluids they are drinking came in too quickly. Slow flow bottle nipples can often help and some breastfeeding moms express a small amount of their breast milk before nursing, so that it doesn’t release as quickly. Propping a bottle is a known choking hazard, so always make sure that you or any care-givers are holding your baby while he or she is drinking.

Many hospitals offer free or low-cost CPR and first aid classes to new parents. A few hours learning that information before your baby is born could save a life later on.

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About Author

Victoria Stevens

I am a passionate writer, researcher and a full time mother of 3 very active children. I am constantly looking for new information and solutions to every day challenges and problems. My children keep me busy at home, my husband supports me with everything that I do and my work extremely demanding. I find that when I write about solutions to everyday problems, I feel better knowing that I may have helped someone else in my position, if not now may be in the future. I enjoy being associated with Mom Exclusive as a contributor and columnist and I do hope all other moms will find my work interesting and useful. Drop me a line if you would like to discuss anything.

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